Thursday 21 February 2019

An Improved Version of the Childish Version of LOTDF c:




One night, after a grim rainstorm, the small village of  Drakonsken, the grey clouds began to spread with a colour. The colour was a bright purple at first, and started to fade, darker and darker.
The man in the lookout tower stared at this change fearfully. Before long, an eerie sound echoed across the

houses, it was like a trembling cry of some creature.  The man picked up the horn, his hand shaking slightly, as he blew into it, sounding people that something odd was happening. Many of them came out and saw this, gasping.
One minute passed, suddenly there was a flash of thunder, shaking the quiet atmosphere. After the flash, the cloud had changed. It had taken the form of a giant dragon, with a spiked neck and head, a long, flowing tail, and sharp, dagger-like claws.

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