Thursday 21 February 2019

An Improved Version of the Childish Version of LOTDF c:




One night, after a grim rainstorm, the small village of  Drakonsken, the grey clouds began to spread with a colour. The colour was a bright purple at first, and started to fade, darker and darker.
The man in the lookout tower stared at this change fearfully. Before long, an eerie sound echoed across the

houses, it was like a trembling cry of some creature.  The man picked up the horn, his hand shaking slightly, as he blew into it, sounding people that something odd was happening. Many of them came out and saw this, gasping.
One minute passed, suddenly there was a flash of thunder, shaking the quiet atmosphere. After the flash, the cloud had changed. It had taken the form of a giant dragon, with a spiked neck and head, a long, flowing tail, and sharp, dagger-like claws.

Wednesday 14 September 2016

The Story.

             Is about a girl Emma who hears about a Myth Dragon called the Purple Dyer Wing. She goes out to one called Iszard. Everyone things he's dangerous and to powerful but when Emma finds this DANGEROUS dragon she finds out that he is the Strongest and powerful, Kind DRAGON.

            Book two. A battle is ahead and when Iszard seems to change he ends up killing a Baby dyer wing in a ship wreak.

Monday 11 April 2016

Last of the dragons flame:Book 2:

                                         Last of the dragons flame:Book 2:
:Prologue: Now Iszard and Emma have a bond it doesn't mean everyone will like Iszard,no...In this next  book there are enemies that will never bond with Iszard and will do anything to kill him.They will now call all dragons to fight for there freedom and not be defeated..Emma now is looking after baby Purple Dyer Dragons, Iszard looks after the cave he lives in...but little did they know that they were going to go into battle.chapter 1.Out of Sight. Down in the deep sea was a Sea Dragon who was taller then any sea dragon, it headed for a Shark who was just peacefully swimming in till the Sea Dragon brought it down.Woo Hoo! Emma was riding Iszard and enjoying more then she thought she would,it did seem dangerous without a saddle or anything to hold on to but Iszard had told her she would not fall off. Behind them were the baby Purple Dyer Wing dragons flying near Emma."Ha-ha those baby dragons sure like flying,there even faster then you", Said Emma with wind pushing on her face so hard she could barely speak properly. "Younger dragons are lighter,which means they can fly faster then adult dragons", replied Iszard closing his eyes to enjoy the gust of wind near his face. "I guess you're right about that,I mean lighter things must be faster", Emma said while stroking a baby Dyer Wind in mid air. Iszard said that it was time to have a rest of flying since he felt tired from having so much fun with his partner.They were no longer in Iszard's cave but in a town that seemed to like dragons and didn't mind them much so the had thought it was the place to live. "Iszard i just thought of something! my Dad still doesn't know i,m with you i totally forgot", Emma said worried about what her Father would think. "You will be fine we are about 200 miles away from your town,he will never find you",Iszard said trying to make her feel less worried.  

           " Dragons! Fire!",shouted a Soldier. They were dragon hunters..and they were firing there catapults at A baby Dyer wing Dragon! It was in danger someone needed to help but who? Iszard woke up hearing a horn go off in the distance (his hearing was amazing) he woke up Emma fast. "Wake up wake up!",He shouted. "What!",Emma woke up not looking very tired. "Its a baby Dyer Wing Dragons its in danger!",he said looking outside trying to hear exactly where it came from. "We should....",Iszard had already put her on his back before she could say a word. "HURRY WE CAN'T LET IT GET CAPTURED!"Said Emma trying to see through the black and dark night. But then..something bit Iszard's wings and pulled him down in till they found out they were under the sea,the Sea Dragon had captured him.Emma got out her sword and tried to slay the dragon but it was fast to fast.Up above them there was a large ship it went over Iszard and pulled him up Emma managed to get off Iszard before they captured her too."Iszard!",She called to him while being dragged up by the Sea Dragon and taken away.Her call got quieter and quieter till it was like a whisper from miles away and so was Iszard's roaring,the two friend looked at each other in till they were out of sight..Chapter 2 Mysteries and Hope. Iszard roared at the Sea Dragon he could see miles away and where Emma was she could hardly see the ship anymore. The Sea Dragon looked as if it was about to dive down so she held her breath as it dived, The Sea Dragon had been under the deep sea to long she was losing her breath she tapped and hit the dragon to get him to go up but she was to tiny to him for it to feel her but he never came up. Iszard roared  at the men he bit the rope tied around him and shot out of the ship, he flew straight under the water and saw the sea monster, then on the sea floor he saw Emma. He quickly picked her up and bit the Sea dragon and shot up out the water. Emma coughed and thanked Iszard then she shouted out. "The baby Dyer Wing! The men on the boat have captured him!". Without thought she hopped up onto his back and as quick as possible tried to reach the boat. But in seconds something happened to Iszard, His eyes turned flaming red and his lovely purple scales turned so dark he looked black.. "Iszard..Are you OK.."Emma's voice slowed. A loud growl broke the ocean and Iszard flew straight up into the clouds. The men on the shop turned silent. Then out of nowhere the dark dragon dived.down into the ship shattering  everything. 2Iszard!! The baby dyer wing dragon!", Emma wailed. "Iszard eyes and scales came back and he felt so bad. He took a deep breath and slowly said. "Emma I'm sorry, I don't know what changed in me". His voice changed to a serious voice. "But I do know we're going to have a attack, These people wouldn't do this for nothing". Emma closed her eyes imagining a battle between Dragons and humans. "We better tell the island then". Iszard nodded slowly, looking down at the ship.

Monday 22 February 2016

The last of the dragons flame. book 1.


                                         Izard at been hunting for food for Emma and finally he came back with a pig hanging from his claws. He started (so violently) cutting of the pigs feet and head, Emma felt sick. After the horrible bit was done, Izard set the Pork on fire so it would cook, it must've been burning hot because it cooked less then a minute. Izard walked off and picked up two flat rocks that were like plates. Emma thought his cave was a lot like a house, there were shelves with the rock plates on, then there were diamonds hanging from the ceiling with string tied around them. There was even a small store room on the other side of the cave, she could she all Izard's food inside. When he'd got the plates he placed the Pork onto them, but he then rushed off again into the store room. He came back with a medium sized single dragon claw and a medium sized dragon foot bone. Izard saw the face Emma was making. So he said: "Don't worry I've cleaned them, Oh, and you use the foot to hold the meat, like you do with a real fork, and you just the single claw to pick it up and cut it". He
smiled, showing his gigantic teeth.
    The meat was surprisingly nice, she'd never tried 'Dragon fire' cooked meat. She gave the plate to Izard, expecting him to go to a river to clean it he smashed it against the wall. "Don't worry, I can squish tons more into plates". Emma turned from the plate quickly to Izard. "Is it even possible to squish rocks without them breaking!", Emma exclaimed. Izard smiled proudly. "Well, this is what I do, I collect rocks". Emma nodded. "And then I slightly melt them, this makes them all squishy, then I carefully place my bottom onto the rock and it squishes it right down and makes a plate!", Izard smiled again, showing his big pointy teeth. After a few more hours of chatting and talking and dancing around, and a special blueberry cupcake, Emma explained to Izard that she had to go back to her village. She saw his eyes eye's water ever so slightly, only they were dark purple. "Don't worry! I'll come back net week and stay for a month!", she cheered. Izard quickly grabbed Emma's hand and they started dancing around the cave. Izard carefully lifted a Diamond that was hanging on the string and passed it Emma. Emma gasped "Thank you, are you sure!?". Izard nodded  . Izard helped Emma down the cave and said goodbye for hundredth time. He watched her slowly walk off into the distance. He then let out a mighty roar and for about three seconds the sky had turned light purple. Emma looked back at him. He mouthed, That means I'm happy. Emma smiled and waved again and looked in her backpack and saw the shining diamond and on the diamond there was a writing, a writing that said 'Emma'.