Monday 22 February 2016

The last of the dragons flame. book 1.


                                         Izard at been hunting for food for Emma and finally he came back with a pig hanging from his claws. He started (so violently) cutting of the pigs feet and head, Emma felt sick. After the horrible bit was done, Izard set the Pork on fire so it would cook, it must've been burning hot because it cooked less then a minute. Izard walked off and picked up two flat rocks that were like plates. Emma thought his cave was a lot like a house, there were shelves with the rock plates on, then there were diamonds hanging from the ceiling with string tied around them. There was even a small store room on the other side of the cave, she could she all Izard's food inside. When he'd got the plates he placed the Pork onto them, but he then rushed off again into the store room. He came back with a medium sized single dragon claw and a medium sized dragon foot bone. Izard saw the face Emma was making. So he said: "Don't worry I've cleaned them, Oh, and you use the foot to hold the meat, like you do with a real fork, and you just the single claw to pick it up and cut it". He
smiled, showing his gigantic teeth.
    The meat was surprisingly nice, she'd never tried 'Dragon fire' cooked meat. She gave the plate to Izard, expecting him to go to a river to clean it he smashed it against the wall. "Don't worry, I can squish tons more into plates". Emma turned from the plate quickly to Izard. "Is it even possible to squish rocks without them breaking!", Emma exclaimed. Izard smiled proudly. "Well, this is what I do, I collect rocks". Emma nodded. "And then I slightly melt them, this makes them all squishy, then I carefully place my bottom onto the rock and it squishes it right down and makes a plate!", Izard smiled again, showing his big pointy teeth. After a few more hours of chatting and talking and dancing around, and a special blueberry cupcake, Emma explained to Izard that she had to go back to her village. She saw his eyes eye's water ever so slightly, only they were dark purple. "Don't worry! I'll come back net week and stay for a month!", she cheered. Izard quickly grabbed Emma's hand and they started dancing around the cave. Izard carefully lifted a Diamond that was hanging on the string and passed it Emma. Emma gasped "Thank you, are you sure!?". Izard nodded  . Izard helped Emma down the cave and said goodbye for hundredth time. He watched her slowly walk off into the distance. He then let out a mighty roar and for about three seconds the sky had turned light purple. Emma looked back at him. He mouthed, That means I'm happy. Emma smiled and waved again and looked in her backpack and saw the shining diamond and on the diamond there was a writing, a writing that said 'Emma'.